Traveling with the Fuji X-T20 / by Jose Soto

In April of 2019 I took my first Non Caribbean international trip to South Korea & Japan. The Fuji X-T20 was my travel camera of choice alongside the XF35mm F2 lens that gives a field of view of about 50mm on full frame cameras, good for general purpose street photographs and some portraits. Also in my light weight kit was a Samyang 12mm F2 Manual lens for my nice wide shots. The lens being manual focus only didn't slow me down as I was able to put it on an aperture like F4 and get almost everything in focus since the lens is so wide, And if I wanted to keep the 12mm on a shallower aperture of F2 the Focus Peaking assistance from the Fuji makes focusing so much more fun to play with. The third lens I owned at the time but left behind was the 18-55mm F2.8-4 Kit lens which in my opinion is one of the best kit lens ever made for any camera ever. Unfortunately I left that kit lens at home due to it being a bigger lens (still very compact compared to full frame lenses) But I needed my kit to fit into a very small chest bag to keep it as portable and light as possible. (I did regret not bringing that lens, if you happen to own it make sure you take it with you on your next adventure lol)

Fuji X-T20 with Samyang 12mm f2 in Seoul, South Korea (Pictured Above)


Fuji X-T20 with Fujifilm XF35mm f2 in Tokyo, Japan (Pictured Above)